Direct Admission to Classes X/ XII in CBSE Affiliated Schools Guidelines and Required Documents

The CBSE Examination Bye-Laws has clear instructions and guidelines for its affiliated schools for the direct admission to class X/XII. The CBSE Examination Bye-Laws states, “direct admission to classes X/XII is an exception and not a norm and is only permissible to facilitate candidates with parents in transferable jobs. Rule 7.3/7.5 of Examination Bye-Laws clearly states that “the syllabus prescribed at Secondary/ Sr. Secondary level is of 2 years integrated course, no admission shall be taken in class X/XII directly”. However, admission in such classes shall be open only to such students “on condition of transfer of parent(s) or shifting of families from one place to another, after procuring from the student’s Mark sheet and the TC duly countersigned”.

In all such cases, schools are directed to seek prior approval from the respective Regional Offices of CBSE within one month of admission of such student along with true attested copies of the following documents completed in all respects.

With reference from the circular CBSE/RO/ALLD/EXAM/2018-19/2018 dated 24.4.18 to all the principals of school affiliated to the CBSE under Regional Office, Allahabad, clearly mentioned about required documents for seeking prior approval for taking direct admission in class X/XII.

  1. School Leaving Certificate/T.C of the previous school submitted at the time of admission duly countersigned (Note-counter signature on T.C of CBSE Affiliated school not applicable)
  2. Student’s Pass progress ‘Report Card” of previous class IX/XI
  3. Transfer Order of the parents/original proper shifting proof of family from one place to another place from local authority (Govt. Issued) (Note- Address/Residence proof is not acceptable)
  4. Complete Admission Form of the Candidate filled in all respect.
  5. Class IX/XI registration card or number
  6. Details of present students’ strength class wise of the concerned school
  7. Number of sections allowed as per as latest Affiliation/Extension Letter ( Photocopy must be attached with application)
  8. Validity of Affiliation  up to –

It is mentioned in CBSE/RO/ALLD/EXAM/2018-19/2018 dated 24.4.18 that incomplete documents/cases will not be entertained or may not be considered for approval. School head should send only completed and duly checked cases to the Regional Office.

For Details Enquiry

CBSE Examination Bye-Laws (Updated 2013), Page no- 7,8

CBSE Circular- CBSE/RO/ALLD/EXAM/2018-19/2018 (24.4.18)

CBSE Circular –CBSE/RO/ALLD/EXAM/2018-19/2018 (25.7.18)

Direct Admission to Classes X & XII in CBSE Affiliated Schools Guidelines and Required Documents




The  CBSE Examination Bye –Laws (Updated in January 2013)

  1. Admission: General Conditions:

6.1 A student seeking admission to any class in a ‘School’ will be eligible for admission to that Class only if he :

(i) has been studying in a School recognised by or affiliated to this Board or any other recognised Board of Secondary Education in India;

(ii) has passed qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination making him eligible for admission to that Class;

(iii) satisfies the requirements of age limits (minimum and maximum) as determined by the State/U. T. Government and applicable to the place where the School is located;

(iv) Produces:

(a) The School Leaving Certificate/Transfer Certificate signed by the Head of the Institution last attended and countersigned, if required as provided elsewhere, in these Byelaws;

(b) Document(s) in support of his having passed the qualifying or equivalent qualifying examination; and

*(c) Date of Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Birth and Deaths, where-ever existing,as proof of date of birth.


(a) A person who has been studying in an institution, which is not recognised by this Board or by any other recognised Board of Secondary Education or by the State/ U.T. Government of the concerned place, shall not be admitted to any class of a “School” on the basis of Certificate(s) of such unrecognised institution attended by him earlier.

(b) ‘Qualifying Examination’ for the purposes of this Byelaws means an examination the passing of which makes a student eligible for admission to a particular class; and ‘equivalent examination’ means an examination conducted by any recognised Board
of Secondary Education/Indian University or an institution recognised by or affiliated to such Board/University and is recognised by this Board equivalent to the correspondingexamination conducted by this Board or conducted by a “school” affiliated to/recognised by this Board.

6.2 No student migrating from a School in a foreign country, other than the School affiliated to this Board, shall be eligible for admission unless an eligibility certificate in respect of such a student has been obtained from this Board. For obtaining eligibility certificate from the Board, the Principal of the School to which admission is being sought will submit to the Board full details of the case and relevant documents with his own remarks/recommendations. The eligibility certificate will be issued by the Board only after the Board is satisfied that the course of study undergone and examination passed is equivalent to the corresponding class of this Board.

6.3 No person who is under the sentence of rustication or is expelled from any Board/University/ School or is debarred from appearing in the examination for whatever reason by any Board/ University shall be admitted to any class in a School affiliated to this Board.

6.4 No student shall be admitted or promoted to any subsequent higher class in any school unless he has completed the regular course of study of the class to which he was admitted at the beginning of the academic session and has passed the examination, at the end of the concerned academic session, qualifying him for promotion to the next higher class.

*6.5 No student shall be admitted in Class IX and above in a school affiliated with the Board after 31st day of August of the year except with prior permission of the Chairman, CBSE/Competent Authority as may have been defined in the State/Union Territory Education Acts. The application for permission to grant admission after 31st of August shall be routed through the Principal of the school specifying the reasons which are unavoidable. The candidate shall complete the required percentage of attendance (75%) for Class IX, X, XI & XII as per Examination ByeLaws of the Board to make him/ her eligible for the examinations. In such cases where the admission by the candidate could not be taken in a higher class by the stipulated date because of the late declaration of result by the Board such permission would not be required, provided the candidate applied for admission within a fortnight of the declaration of the result.

  1.   Admission: Specific Requirements

7.1 Admissions upto Class VIII (i.e. Class VIII and below) shall be regulated by the rules, regulations, orders of the State/U.T. Governments applicable to the place where the School is located.

7.2 Admission to Class IX in a school shall be open only to such a student who has passed class VIII examination from an institution affiliated to this Board or to any recognised Board or is recognised by the Education Department of the Government of the State/U. T. in which such an institution is located.

**7.3 Admission to Class X : – As the syllabus prescribed at Secondary level is of two years integrated course, no admission shall be taken in Class X directly. Provided further that admission to Class X in a school shall be open only to such a student who:

(a) has completed a regular course of study for class IX, and

(b) has passed class IX examination from an institution affiliated to this Board.

(c) A student who has completed a regular course of study for Class IX and has passed Class IX examination from an institution recognised by/affiliated to any recognised Board in India, other than this Board, can be admitted to a school only on the transfer of the parent(s) or shifting of their families from one place to another, after procuring from the students the mark sheet and the Transfer Certificate duly countersigned by the Educational Authorities of the Board concerned. In case of such admissions the schools would obtain post facto approval of the Board within one month of admission of the student.

7.4 Admission to Class XI : – Admission to class XI in a school shall be open only to such a student who has passed :

(a) Secondary School Examination (Class X examination) conducted by this Board; or

(b) an equivalent examination conducted by any other recognised Board of Secondary Education/ Indian University and recognised by this Board as equivalent to its secondary school examination.

Admission to Class XII :-

(i) No admission shall be taken in Class XII directly. Provided further that admission to Class XII in a school shall be open only to such a student who:

(a) has completed a regular course of study for class XI; and

(b) has passed Class XI examination from a school affiliated to this Board.

(ii) A student who has completed a regular course of study for Class XI and has passed Class XI Examination from an institution recognised by / affiliated to any recognised Board in India, other than this Board, can be admitted to a school only on the transfer of the parent(s) or shifting of their families from one place to another, after procuring from the student the marksheet and the Transfer Certificate duly countersigned by the Educational Authorities of the Board concerned. In case of such admissions the schools would obtain post facto approval of the Board within one month of the admission of the student.

7.6 Notwithstanding any thing contained in paras 1 to 5 of this Byelaws, the admission of students passing qualifying examination from an examining body outside India shall be regulated according to the provisions contained in byelaw 6.2 of this chapter; provided that the condition of completing regular course of study for class IX and XI is satisfied in cases of admission to Class X and
Class XII respectively.

  1. Admission Procedure

(i) Admission register in the form prescribed by the State Government concerned/Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan/Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti as the case may be, shall be maintained by the “School” where the name of every student joining “the School” shall be entered.

(ii) Successive numbers must be allotted to students on their admission and each student should retain this number throughout the whole of his career in the school. A student returning to the school after absence of any duration shall resume his original admission number.

(iii) If a student applying for admission to a school, has attended any other school, an authenticated copy of the Transfer certificate in the format given in Annexure I, from his last school must be produced before his name can be entered in the Admission Register.

(iv) In no case shall a student be admitted into a class higher than that for which he is entitled according to the transfer certificate.

(v) A student shall not be allowed to migrate from one “School” to another during the session after his name has been sent up for the examination of the Board. This condition may be waived only in special circumstances by the Chairman.

(vi) A student leaving his school at the end of a session or who is permitted to leave his school during the session shall on a payment of all dues, receive an authenticated copy of the Transfer certificate up to date. A duplicate copy may be issued if the head of the institution is satisfied that the original is lost but it shall always be so marked.

(vii) In case a student from an institution not affiliated to the Board seeks admission in a school affiliated to the Board, such a student shall produce a transfer certificate duly countersigned by an authority as indicated in the format given in Annexure-I.

(viii) If the statement made by the parent or guardian of a student or by the student himself/herself, if he/she was major at the time of his/her admission to a school, is found to contain any wilful misrepresentation of facts regarding the student’s career, the head of the institution may punish him/her as per provision of the Education Act of the State/Union Territory or Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan/Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti rules, as the case may be, respectively and report the matter to the Board.

Rajeev Ranjan

Indian Educationist

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