EFL Teacher Expectation for Fully Digital World


Times have changed, teachers have evolved, and we now have a new breed of learning technologists.

Technology is changing our world. Routine knowledge and skills are being automated, digitised and outsourced. (Cambridge)

You are either into technology or you are in the way and had better start looking for a new job.’

Feel the pulse of today’s world

Teachers who spent their lives managing with a textbook, a tape recorder and a blackboard are now adept at using PowerPoint to present grammar, playing podcasts to practice listening skills, pulling texts off the world wide web to introduce reading skills and perhaps most ground-breaking of all – empowering students by giving them access to a wide range of web-based tools that allow them to publish work and engage with live audiences in real contexts.

Innovations in  learning technologies for  English language teaching Edited by Gary Motteram


Observer-Aware about each and everything

Researcher-Investigating –Exploring and Latest trend in language teaching and learning

Reviewer- SWOT-Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats

Resourceful-Materials for self and learners

Respectful-Respectful to the learners

Teacher and Technology

Learning English through mobile devices gains credibility every day and the increasing popularity and rapidly diminishing cost of tablet devices reinforce this by providing a format that really is capable of delivering courseware. Factor in the growing interest in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), providing large-scale (and free) learning interventions, and it is clear that technology still has much to offer ELT.

Martin Peacock Head of English Product Development, British Council

Teacher and Technology

Types of online teaching tools for teachers

To start, these tools fall into 5 categories:

Free software tools for running your online classes

Free resources to boost engagement

Free tools to stay organized and productive

Best online assessment tools

Best apps for designing and creating content
