Hard work is a key to success. Learning part and portion of a syllabus is incomplete way for an examination preparation. Syllabus is designed to cover in a certain period. Proper planning and execution of planning with the help of good study materials can help students to achieve good score. Good students study complete prescribed syllabus. They try to develop better understanding of complete syllabus.

Wise students do regular study right from the beginning of an academic session. They develop their own study skill for developing better understanding. They fight with themselves to perform better in an examination system. They set their own target to achieve in a day to day life.

Wise students develop a better understanding of Question Pattern. Basic concept never changes. Language of question may be easy/complex/difficult but answer of that question belongs to basic concept.  A student who knows Newton’s 3 Law of Motion can give all questions’ answer based on this concept. We should try to understand the language of question.

Concrete biopsy of Question Paper Pattern

  1. Prepare a list of potentials and prospective questions based on study, nature of questions of previous years, teachers’ hint etc

Wise student analyzes question pattern of an exam. He prepares a list of potential and prospective questions based on previous year and on complete prescribed syllabus.

  1. A question paper consists of different types of questions:-

Questions pattern (a) Factual (b) Inferential(c) Analytical

  • Multiple choice questions
  • True and false
  • Matching questions
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Distinguishes between two similar or opposite nature
  • One word answer
  • Descriptive (Essay/Article)
  • HOTS
  • Many more according to need, and objective of the examination

Previous years question papers will give an insight about the nature of questions

Language of questions

Important questions repeatedly asked in consecutive years

  1. Writing practice in solving a set of question paper within a time frame

Wise students prepare a list of probable questions and do more and more practice to make a command on them. When a child appears for a board examination i.e. matriculation/ intermediate/advance intermediate; s/he should practice on a complete question set and try to solve it within a time frame. It helps student to develop a better understanding and more writing practice has great psychological and physiological effect. Students gain self confidence and self realization for taking a step of correction for improving weak points of learning.

It is better to discuss about the quality content of answer with peers/friends. It is beneficial for both the students i.e. evaluator and writer. Sometimes, student should read his own written answer script. Student gets an insight if s/he reads his own answer script. Student should re-read it after a gap of 5-6 hours so that mind works actively at that time and he would be able to identify mistakes which a student may do in extreme pressure.

Dos & Don’t

Believe in yourself. You have inborn ability and capacity to learn

Believe in yourself. You can perform well in the examination

Believe in your gained knowledge of subjects during academic year

Take care of your health during examination

@ Drink Enough Water

@ Do Breakfast Regularly and on time

@ Take Healthy Diets

Practice according to your own capacity

**Revise learnt topics as many times as you can** rather than worrying about what you do not know

Follow healthy habits and learn from each and every experience in life

Fix a comfortable place for study i.e. chair, table or other things

Proper light and fresh air ***

Prepare a time table suitable to your ability, capacity, persistent and consistent nature

Develop a habit for reading consistently for whole year; no matter even if only one hour in a day

Have all your materials ready before you begin study-pencils, pens, papers, books, notebooks, notes or other study related materials

Do not depend on others; work at your own pace

Do not waste your time with friends for collecting new notes on untouched topics day before examination

Do not learn any new material the night before the examination

Keep yourself engaged for a short while with your social or other recreational activities. (***** Warning it must be for a short period***** otherwise ***)


Enjoy your life with your favorite hobbies (listening music, dancing, walking, driving, sleeping, cooking, running, drawing etc). No stars will fall upon us if we celebrate some moments in exam time or before an examination.

A warrior practices well before war for developing his self confidence and positive winning spirit. Neither he worries for past, nor he prepares future plan. He only fights with total integrity. Integration of body, mind and soul determine the success.

 Restore, Refresh, Relax, Rejoice, & Rejuvenate yourself

Rajeev Ranjan

Indian Educationist

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