Top 18 Language and Literacy Development Domain Curricular Goals Mentioned in National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage-2022
Domain: Language and Literacy Development
CG-9 Children develop effective communication skills for day-to-day interactions in two languages 1 |
CG-10 Children develop fluency in reading and writing in Language 1 (L1)2 |
CG-11 Children begin to read and write in Language 2 (L2) |
Domain: Language and Literacy Development
CG-9 Children develop effective communication skills for day-to-day interactions in two languages 1 | C-9.1 Listens to and appreciates simple songs, rhymes, and poems C-9.2 Creates simple songs and poems on their own C-9.3 Converses fluently and can hold a meaningful conversation C-9.4 Understands oral instructions for a complex task and gives clear oral instructions for the same to others C-9.5 Comprehends narrated/read-out stories and identifies characters, storyline and what the author wants to say C-9.6 Narrates short stories with clear plot and characters C-9.7 Knows and uses enough words to carry out day-to-day interactions effectively and can guess meaning of new words by using existing vocabulary |
CG-10 Children develop fluency in reading and writing in Language 1 (L1)2 | C-10.1 Develops phonological awareness and blends phonemes/ syllables into words and segment words into phonemes/ syllables C-10.2 Understands basic structure/format of a book, idea of words in print and direction in which they are printed, and recognises basic punctuation marks C-10.3 Recognises all the letters of the alphabet (forms of akshara) of the script and uses this knowledge to read and write words C-10.4 Reads stories and passages with accuracy and fluency with appropriate pauses and voice modulation C-10.5 Reads short stories and comprehends its meaning – by identifying characters, storyline and what the author wanted to say – on their own C-10.6 Reads short poems and begins to appreciate the poem for its choice of words and imagination C-10.7 Reads and comprehends meaning of short news items, instructions and recipes, and publicity material C-10.8 Writes a paragraph to express their understanding and experiences C-10.9 Shows interest in picking up and reading a variety of children’s books |
CG-11 Children begin to read and write in Language 2 (L2) | C-11.1 Develops phonological awareness and are able to blend phonemes/syllables into words and segment words into phonemes/syllables C-11.2 Recognises most frequently occurring letters of the alphabet (forms of akshara) of the script and uses this knowledge to read and write simple words and sentences |
Illustrative Learning Outcomes
This is a sample to guide how Learning Outcomes for the Foundational Stage can be articulated.
Domain: Language and Literacy Development
i. Curricular Goal (CG-10): Children develop fluency in reading and writing in Language 1
1) Competency (C-10.5): Reads short stories and comprehends their meaning – by identifying characters, storyline and what the author wants to say – on their own (L1)
C-10.5: Reads short stories and comprehends their meaning – by identifying characters, storyline and what the author wanted to say – on their own (L1) | ||||
Ages 3 – 8 | ||||
A | B | C | D | E |
Listens to “Read Alouds” and responds to questions posed by the Teacher | Participates in “Shared Reading” along with the Teacher and in the discussions about the reading. | Participates in “Guided Reading” along with the Teacher and in the discussions about the reading. | Begins “Independent Reading” of books of equal textual and visual content | Begins “Independent Reading” of books of more textual content than visual content |
Reads picture books and identifies objects and actions | Reads picture books and identifies characters and plots and narrates the story in short sequence | Reads books aloud with short simple texts and uses both visual cues and text to infer and retell the story with accurate sequence and elaboration | Begins to read unfamiliar story books and comprehend with guidance from the Teacher Identifies plots, and characters | Reads and identifies characters, plots, sequences, and point of view of the author |
National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage-2022