Multiple Choices Questions for Quiz/GK/GS/Competitive Exams on National Education Policy -2020

Frequently asked Questions on National Education Policy 2020Set 9

71. To track progress throughout the school years, and not just at the end of Grades 10 and 12- according to NEP 2020 all students will take school examinations in following classes. Find out the correct sequence.

  1. Grades 1, 3, and 5
  2. Grades 3, 5, and 6
  3. Grades 2, 4, and 6
  4. Grades 3, 5, and 8

72. NEP 2020 proposed to set up a National Assessment Centre. What is the name of NAC?

  1. NTA
  2. NAC
  3. UGC

73. What is the objective to National Assessment Centre, PARAKH?

  1. setting norms, standards, and guidelines
  2. setting question paper and organizing exams
  3. setting questions paper for board exams
  4. setting question papers for UGC

74. Which government institution will organize university entrance exams according to NEP 2020?

  1. National Testing Agency (NTA)
  2. State Achievement Survey (SAS)
  3. National Achievement Survey (NAS),
  4. PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development)

75. Which government organizations will develop guidelines for the education of gifted children?

  1. NCERT and NCFCS
  2. NCERT and NCTE
  3. NCERT and NTA
  4. NCERT and SCERT

76. According to NEP 2020 schools/school complexes will hire local eminent persons or experts for teaching extra -curricular, vocational courses etc. What is proposed name of the post?

  1. ‘master instructors’
  2. ‘teacher instructors’
  3. ‘skilled instructors’
  4. ‘vocational instructors’

77. National Education Policy 2020 emphasized on teacher empowerment. How many hours of teacher-training are expected from each teacher in an academic year as Continuous Professional Development (CPD)?

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 30
  4. 50

78. How many hours of training are expected from school Principals and school complex leaders in an academic year as Continuous Professional Development (CPD)?

  1. 10
  2. 20
  3. 30
  4. 50

79. NEP 2020 proposed ‘Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB)’ will develop common guiding set of principles for the teacher? What will be the name of organization?

  1. National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
  2. National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST)
  3. Professional Standard Setting Body (PSSB)
  4. General Education Council (GEC)

80. NEP 2020 proposed the minimum degree qualification for teaching which must be achieved by ——————–year.

  1. 2040,
  2. 2025,
  3. 2035,
  4. 2030,

81. NEP proposed the minimum degree qualification for teaching. Several degree/courses/programmes will be offered for the teachers? Choose the incorrect option.

  1. 4-year integrated B.Ed
  2. 2-year B.Ed. programmes
  3. 1-year B.Ed. programmes
  4. 3-year B.Ed. programmes
Answer Table with Remarks
71- d. Grades 3, 5, and 8
72- d. PARAKH- PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development)
73- a.  setting norms, standards, and guidelines
74- a.  National Testing Agency (NTA)
75- b. NCERT and NCTE
76-a.   ‘master instructors’
77-d.  50
78- d. 50
79- b. National Professional Standards for Teachers (NPST)
80-d.  d.         2030,
81-d.  3-year B.Ed. programmes
Note- Kindly go through original National Education Policy 2020 if you find any doubt facts, questions and answer. Rajeev Ranjan Principal, Teacher Trainer 

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National Education Policy -2020