25 Best Multiple Choice Questions With AnswersNational Education Policy 2020


National Education Policy 2020 states “Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development.” I developed the best multiple choices questions for developing better understanding. It will help students to qualify several competitive examinations.

National education policy 2020-Rajeevelt

1. Who was the chairman of the NEP 2020 drafting committee?  

a. Kailasavadivoo Sivan

b. Dr. K. Kasturirangan

c. Prof. Yaspal Sharma 

d. Prod. G. RajaGopal 

2. When did the Union Cabinet approved the new National Education Policy (NEP), 2020?

a. 29 June 2020

b. 29 July 2020

c. 29 August 2020

d. 29 January 2020

3. Fill in the blank. 

Education is —————————for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development.

a. Constitutional 

b. Legitimate

c. Fundamental

d. Authentic

4. When did India adopt Goal 4 (SDG4) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?

a. 2020

b. 2015

c. 2030

d. 2025

5. NEP 2020 aimed to achieve equitable access to the highest-quality education for all learners regardless of social or economic background. This target will be achieved up to the year—————-

a. 2020

b. 2015

c. 2030

d. 2040

national education policy -rajeevelt

Top Five Questions on National Education Policy-2020

6. NEP 2020 lays particular emphasis on the development of ————————-

a. the best infrastructure in the world 

b. the provision to give 100 employment

c. the provision to give free education 

d. the creative potential of each individual

7. What is the guiding light for the National Education Policy 2020?

a. rich resources of ancient and modern India 

b. rich heritage of Indian classical music and art

c. rich heritage of ancient and eternal Indian knowledge

d. rich heritage of Indian Sufi tradition 

8. World-class Indian institutions set the highest standards of multidisciplinary teaching and research and hosted scholars and students from across backgrounds and countries. Find the name of the institution which is not in the list of NEP 2020. 

a. Takshashila, 

b. Nalanda

c. Osmania

d. Vallabhi

9. According to NEP 2020 the Indian education system produced great scholars such as Charaka, Nagarjuna. Find out the odd one from the list.

a. Aryabhata

b. Varahamihira

c. Xenocrates 

d. Bhaskaracharya 

10. Fill in the blank

Education is a great leveler and is the best tool for achieving economic and social mobility, inclusion, and ————————–

a. disparity

b. discrimination 

c. inequality

d. equality 

national education policy -rajeevelt

Top Five Questions on National Education Policy-2020

11. How many of the fundamental principles mentioned in National Education Policy 2020?

a. 5

b. 11

c. 22

d. 20

12. National Education Policy 2020 replaced by a new pedagogical and curricular structure. What is the new curricular structure according to NEP 2020?

a. “3+4+4+5” model

b. “5+3+3+4” model

c. “4+3+3+5” model

d. “5+4+3+3” model

13. What is the age group covered in school education according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure?

a. 16-18

b. 3-18

c. 6-18

d. 5-18

14. What are the classes which cover the “Secondary “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? 

a. Class 6 to 9

b. Class 9 to 12

c. Class 6 to 8

d. Class 11 to 12

15. What are the classes which cover the “Middle “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? 

a. Class 6 to 9

b. Class 9 to 12

c. Class 6 to 8

d. Class 11 to 12

national education policy -rajeevelt

Top Five Questions on National Education Policy-2020

16. What are the classes which cover the “Preparatory “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? 

a. Class 6 to 9

b. Class 3 to 5

c. Class 6 to 8

d. Class 1 to 2

17. What are the classes which cover the “Foundational “stage according to NEP 2020 new curricular structure? 

a. Covers only (Class 1 & 2)

b. Covers only (Anganwadi/ pre-school/Balvatika)

c. Covers (Anganwadi/ pre-school/Balvatika) and 2 years (Class 1 & 2) 

d. Covers up to class 5

18. How much (percent %) of a child’s cumulative brain development occurs prior to the age of 6 according to NEP 2020?

a. Over 85%

b. Over 95%

c. Over 75%

d. Over 65%

19. NEP proposed that universal provisioning of quality early childhood development, care, and education must be achieved. What is the timeline for this?

a. 2030

b. 2035

c. 2040

d. 2025

20. What is the timeline to ensure that all students entering Grade 1 are school ready according to National Education Policy 2020?

a. 2035

b. 2040

c. 2025

d. 2030

national education policy -rajeevelt

Top Five Questions on National Education Policy-2020

21. NEP 2020 proposed pedagogical framework for Early Childhood Care and Education. What is the name of ECCE pedagogical framework?





22. NEP 2020 proposed pedagogical framework for Early Childhood Care and Education. What age group will be covered in the ECCE pedagogical framework?

a. children up to the age of 4

b. children up to the age of 6

c. children up to the age of 5

d. children up to the age of 8

23. Which educational organization will prepare NEP 2020 proposed pedagogical framework for Early Childhood Care and Education?





24. The goal of universal access to high-quality ECCE across the country will be implemented in a phased manner. ECCE shall be delivered through various education institutions. Find out the odd one institution.

a. stand-alone Anganwadis; 

b. Anganwadis co-located with primary schools;

c. stand-alone pre-schools

d. Kindergarten Sections of Private schools 

25. National Education Policy 2020 proposed establishment of “Preparatory Class” or “Balavatika”. What is the age limit for the “Preparatory Class” or “Balavatika”?

a. prior to the age of 6

b. prior to the age of 5 

c. prior to the age of 4

d. prior to the age of 3 

NEP 2020 Questions Answer
