Positive Learning Habits

Children-NCFFS 2022-rajeevelt-foundational stage
Positive Learning Habits Curricular Goals for Foundational Stage mentioned in National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage-2022

Positive Learning Habits
CG-13 Children develop habits of learning that allow them to engage actively in formal learning environments like a school classroom.
C-13.1 Attention and intentional action: Acquires skills to plan, focus attention, and direct activities to achieve specific goals  

C-13.2 Memory and mental flexibility: Develops adequate working memory, mental flexibility (to sustain or shift attention appropriately), and self-control (to resist impulsive actions or responses) that would assist them in learning in structured environments
C-13.3 Observation, wonder, curiosity, and exploration: Observes minute details of objects, wonders, and explores using various senses, tinkers with objects, asks questions  

C-13.4 Classroom norms: Adopts and follows norms with agency and understanding

Illustrative Learning Outcomes

This is a sample to guide how Learning Outcomes for the Foundational Stage can be articulated.

Positive Learning Habits Curricular Goals for Foundational Stage

i. Curricular Goal (CG-13): Children develop habits of learning that allow them to engage actively in formal learning environments like a school classroom.

1) Competency (C-13.4): Classroom norms: Adopts and follows norms with agency and understanding

C-13.4: Classroom norms: Adopts and follows norms with agency and understanding
Ages 3 – 8
Observes and imitates adult behaviour for classroom normsFollows classroom norms with Teacher’s cues• Follows and assists others in following classroom norms

• Creates do-it yourself (DIY) classroom job charts/posters with the support of Teachers and follows it
• Participates in discussing the classroom norms and behaves according to norms

• Creates DIY classroom job charts/posters and follows it
• Participates in establishing classroom norms and behaves according

• Creates DIY classroom job charts/posters and illustrates them as well; follows it responsibly

National Curriculum Framework for Foundational Stage-2022
