What are some common habits that ruin our night’s sleep?
Could you ask some of questions before getting direct answer—?
- Have you kept your mobile away from your bed?
- Have you installed your TV in bedroom?
- Have you eaten well before going to bed in the night?
- Have you washed your feet, hand and mouth before going to bed?
- Have you cleaned you bed before sleeping?
- Have you spared some moments with your family members?
- Have you talked with your father and mother?
- Have you left your office task at office table?
- Have you left your boss task completion reminder in the office itself?
- If you are able to give these 9 questions answer, then this point number 10th will be your right answer. Today itself is a complete day for you to live a complete life; so why are waiting for tomorrow.
[…] Sleeping Tips and Tricks for Happy and Healthy Life Categories: Life styles, Parenting tips Tags: happy life, How to Develop Habit of Sleeping, sleep, Sleeping Tips and Tricks, Sleeping Tips and Tricks for Happy and Healthy Life, teenagers sleeping habit, why do not we sleep well […]