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Tag Archives: How is develop Socio-Emotional Intelligence in school

Emotional Intelligence in Decision-Making Skills-rajeevelt

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Decision-Making Skills

Emotional Intelligence in Decision-Making Skills-rajeevelt

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Decision-Making Skills

Emotional intelligence (EI) is increasingly recognized as a critical component of effective decision-making, particularly in the 21st-century world characterized by rapid change and complexity. EI encompasses self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills.

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aavya ranjan-rajeevelt

How to develop Socio-Emotional Intelligence in school?

What are life skills ?

Life skills are psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathise with others, and cope with managing their lives in

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