Which is the best method to teach primary students?

Which is the best method to teach primary students?

Teaching is an art. In deed, teaching at any level demands a number of teaching skills to become a good teacher.

The best technique till date can be ——

  1. When a teacher connects himself with students
  2. When a teacher ensures learners’ engagement in the classroom
  3. When a teacher ensures 100% learners involvement in the classroom
  4. When teacher allows students to raise questions in the classroom
  5. When teacher welcomes student’s error in the classroom
  6. When teacher provides personal as well as social security for each student of the classroom without making any distinction with caste, creed and social status
  7. When teachers prepares and plans for each and every student present in the classroom
  8. When teacher works for academically weak learners in the classroom without putting stamp on his/her in-capabilities of learning
  9. When teacher caters the need and learning demand of individual learner in a mixed group of students in a classroom
  10. When teacher develops rapport and empathy with students
  11. When teacher works like a catalyst, motivator and generation creation for the self, society and nation

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