What is the best way to motivate a child to study?
Learning is a complex phenomena. Indeed, motivation does work —-however different level and layers of motivation need at different age group—-so we need to think ——-Age- Surrounding- Nature of learner——Learning nature of students—-i firmly believe, “ Teaching is an art”…No one can teach —wise educator and wise parent create learning sparks in students—-they minutely observe the overall nature of learners and develop strategies according to learning nature of learners— nurtures students’ learning nature in purely and pious environment………
15 Best Ways-Ideas to Motivate students
First and foremost- provide homely learning environment for learners
Provide student a sense of safe and secure learning environment
Create opportunity of learning for the students
Welcome student’s error as an opportunity for an initiative of learning
Sensitize student’s error as natural process of learning
Develop partnership with students during learning
Develop a sense of inquiry and inquisitiveness among students
Create interest among learners for learning a new topic/key concept
Lead students from easy to complex
Provide achievable tasks and challenge for learners
Develop a sense of achievement among students
Let the child’s learning nature grooms with time reference
Avoid overloading students with high performance expectation
Let the student to live a normal live
Treat your child as a child not learning—-recording—instrument
Child becomes an experimental learning laboratory for parent, teacher and educational institutions. We should treat child as child not as learning machine or a recording instrument where we expect input is equal to output. We forget human nature of forgetfulness. A child is not at all a high resolution camera to whom we expect perfect recording with good picture quality, good sound quality and many more— we forget that even a good recorded film with good camera needs a good editor to edit before its final production. Learning is a process— it takes time — keep patience—love your child —-treat your child as a child— will be the best intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for a student.