Pass Criteria for the CBSE Senior School Certificate Examination

i) A candidate is eligible to get the Pass Certificate of the CBSE , if he/she gets a grade higher than E in all subjects of internal assessment unless he/she is exempted. Failing this, result of the external examination will be withheld but not for a period of more than one year.

ii) In order to be declared as having passed the examination, a candidate has to obtain a grade higher than E (i.e. atleast 33% marks) in all the five subjects of external examination in the main or at the compartmental examinations. The pass marks in each subject of external examination is 33%. In case of a subject involving practical work, a candidate has to obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% marks in practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate in order to qualify in that subject.

iii) No overall division/distinction/aggregate shall be awarded.

iv) In case of additional subject following criteria shall be adopted:

a) A language offered as an additional subject replaces a language in the event of a candidate failing in the same provided after replacement the candidate has English/Hindi as one of the languages.

b) An elective subject offered as an additional subject replaces one of the elective subjects offered by the candidate. It may also replace a language provided after replacement the candidate has English/Hindi as one of the languages.

c) Additional language offered at elective level replaces an elective subject provided after replacement, the number of languages offered does not exceed two.

v) Candidates exempted from one or more subjects of internal examination shall be eligible for appearing in external examination and result shall be declared subject to fulfilment of other conditions laid down in the Pass Criteria.

vi) In order to be declared as having passed the Class XI Examination a candidate shall obtain 33% marks in all the subjects. The pass marks in each subject of examination shall be 33%. In case of subject involving practical work a candidate must obtain 33% marks in theory and 33% in practical separately in addition to 33% marks in aggregate in order to qualify in that subject.

School Education


Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)-2019