Cultivating a Growth Mindset for Improved Critical Thinking and Productivity
Cultivating a Growth Mindset for Improved Critical Thinking and Productivity

What is CQ Drive?

The Motivation and Curiosity to Learn About Other Cultures

CQ Drive (Motivation): The interest and confidence to adapt to multicultural situations

CQ Drive can be understood as the emotional and motivational foundation of Cultural Intelligence. It encompasses the interest, confidence, and persistence necessary to function effectively in culturally diverse settings. People with high CQ Drive are not just willing but eager to engage in cross-cultural situations. Their curiosity propels them to learn about unfamiliar customs, languages, and perspectives.

CQ Drive involves more than just a passive acceptance of cultural diversity; it’s about actively seeking out cultural differences and embracing them as opportunities for learning and growth. It is what drives individuals to go beyond their comfort zones and seek engagement with people who think, communicate, and behave differently from themselves.

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